Behind Anung’s Journey: Steve Talks About Famous Guests

This is part 3 of a six part video series where Carl and Steve Fobister, creators of ‘Anung’s Journey‘, talk about their time together and Anung’s origins. Watch part 1 & part 2 here!

The second fishing camp that Steve and I worked at, Ball Lake Lodge, attracted many famous and near famous guests. Here’s a quick video where Steve remembers some of of the most famous.

For those of you who were fans of the Cubs, White Sox, and Blackhawks and watched on WGN television, and listened on WGN radio, the announcers Jack Brickhouse, Lyod Petit, and Vince Lyod, were frequent guests as well.

Behind Anung’s Journey: Carl, Steve, and American Football

This is part 2 of a six part video series where Carl and Steve Fobister, creators of ‘Anung’s Journey‘, talk about their time together and Anung’s origins. Watch part 1 here!

I have recently mentioned in a blog about how delighted I was to learn that Steve had such found memories of me teaching him and his friends how to play football that first summer we worked and lived together. We captured Steve talking about it with me.

Behind Anung’s Journey: The Day I Met Steve Fobister

This is part 1 of a six part video series where Carl and Steve Fobister, creators of ‘Anung’s Journey‘, talk about their time together and Anung’s origins.

When I traveled to Winnipeg in November to meet with Steve and present him with a box of ‘Anung’s Journey’, I arranged to have a local videographer, Tyrone Otte, shoot us in our hotel talking about the pioneer days, the good old days, the four summers in the mid to late 60’s when Steve and I worked together, at Delaney Lake Lodge for one summer, and Barney’s Ball Lake Lodge for three.

This is the first of six short videos we edited from that evening.

This first video is our memories of the day we met. I talk too much, at the start, to get us going, but stick with us and I think you will enjoy them.

And thanks to Kevin Qian for creating the video graphics package and all his support.